November 2024 Writing Workshops

THE ACE HOTEL | SAT 16 & SUN 17 November 2024


We’re back for a whole new weekend of fun and learning!

These workshops include lessons for writers of all stages and forms. You could be a student, a copywriter, a novelist, a historian, or simply a passionate reader—in November 2024 you’ll arrive to meet 20 fellow kind nerds (some of them have a rolling book club they’ll probably invite you to join) and you’ll leave inspired to read and write more than ever before.

When you book in you’ll receive an email with the book that I’ve allocated as required reading, and link to a video explaining how to prepare for my super good crowd favourite ‘Peaks, Troughs, and Passages’ exercise. 

After some really fantastic feedback from previous successful weekends, I’ve split workshops into ‘on the page’ lessons (about writing craft) and ‘off the page’ lessons (about career and vocation). The four workshops are sessions run by me, and then at the end of each day we’re joined by a special guest writer for a cocktail and intimate ‘Ask Me Anything’ session.

Read on for more information about scholarships and everything included in the booking price.



$990 (incl. GST) per day


Workshop Schedule

SATURDAY 16 November 2024

9:30am — Arrive at Ace Hotel to your hot coffee, and get to know your classmates 

10am — Better Reading for Better Writing; ‘Peaks and Troughs’ exercise

11am — Quick morning tea

11:15am — Better Reading for Better Writing; ‘Passages’ exercise

12pm — Lunch break

1pm — ‘On the Page’ Workshop: Voice, Perspective, and Protagonist

2:30pm — Afternoon tea with more coffee

3pm — ‘Off the Page’ Workshop: Wrangling Research and Catalysing Yourself

4:30pm — Knock-off drinks and ‘ask me anything’ with special guest author

5:30pm — Optional continuation of drinks in the Ace Hotel lobby downstairs

Workshop Schedule

SUNDAY 17 November 2024

9.30am — Arrive at Ace Hotel to your hot coffee, and get to know your classmates 

10am — Better Reading for Better Writing; ‘Peaks and Troughs’

11am — Quick morning tea

11.15am — Better Reading for Better Writing; ‘Passages’ exercise

12pm — Lunch break

1pm — ‘On the Page’ Workshop: Place and Scene-Setting

2:30pm — Afternoon tea with more coffee

3pm — ‘Off the Page’ Workshop: Pitching and Your Plan of Attack

4:30pm — Knock-off drinks and ‘ask me anything’ with special guest author

5:30pm — Optional continuation of drinks in the Ace Hotel lobby downstairs


Workshop Details

Better Reading for Better Writing

This is the workshop method I’ve developed over time that people love. It is conversational and interactive and often a lot of fun, but it always leads the group to some huge insights. You will be forced to articulate why and how you’ve come to certain judgments, and you will disagree with others in the room. We all learn a huge amount from this when the facilitator (me) maintains the direction of the workshops and keeps the group on-track with pre-planned prompts. If you’ve attended something of mine before you’ll know the ‘peaks, troughs, and passages’ approach. If you haven’t don’t worry—the video I send you explains it all. I’m constantly getting requests to do more of these, and it’s the perfect way to start the day.

Voice and Protagonists

What do we actually mean when we talk about ‘voice’ in writing, and how can we hone the voice we need for any given project? These are pertinent questions for all fiction and non-fiction projects; long and short. The strict objective reportage mode is still a ‘voice’. Your academic texts use a ‘voice’. And of course the ‘I’ in your essays and the heroes and villains in your stories... they’ve all got voice and voice is everything

Wrangling Research and Catalysing Yourself

So you know the project you want to work on, maybe you’re already well underway, but you’ve got a dozen ideas in a hundred different spots, and it’s all scattered and it’s getting in the way of you actually writing. Take a deep breath. Here’s how we manage. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress.

Workshop Details

Better Reading for Better Writing

This is the workshop method I’ve developed over time that people love. It is conversational and interactive and often a lot of fun, but it always leads the group to some huge insights. You will be forced to articulate why and how you’ve come to certain judgments, and you will disagree with others in the room. We all learn a huge amount from this when the facilitator (me) maintains the direction of the workshops and keeps the group on-track with pre-planned prompts. If you’ve attended something of mine before you’ll know the ‘peaks, troughs, and passages’ approach. If you haven’t don’t worry—the video I send you explains it all. I’m constantly getting requests to do more of these, and it’s the perfect way to start the day.

Scene-setting and Place

I’ve broken down the concept of ‘place’ into core components that we can identify in great texts, and which you can then deploy to create strong locations in your own work. There’s the immediate scene-setting, of course, but there are broader contextualising factors too. This is a great craft-honing session for all readers and writers to make more compelling and transportive work.

Pitching and Your plan of Attack

Boy oh boy do people want a session all about pitching! Okay, let’s do it. We will leave this workshop with each one of you having drafted at least one pitch email (to an editor, to an agent, etc.) and a plan for when you’re going to follow up and pitch again. The more you clarify your own ideas for others, the clearer they become for yourself. 


Testimonials from our March and April Students

“After the workshop I felt PUMPED. Ready to take my writing (and life?) seriously. I felt like I'd had a booster shot of rigour, possibility, inspiration and insight.” - Jess

“Without question, this is 100% the best investment I have made into my career.” - Riva

“You have a clear, generous and engaging teaching style and you make your students feel comfortable to share and ask questions. I was unsure of what someone like me (at the very beginning of pursuing this career and passion) whether I’d be out of my depth. It was the complete opposite! I had the most wonderful time and learnt so much. I’m really excited for what is to come and will be keeping an eye out for when the next round of workshops are released! Thank you Bri, I’m truly grateful!” - Rosie

“Bri is a powerhouse - inspiring and empowering, leading by example.” - Phia

“The first thing that springs to mind is that I felt like I'd found my people! Haha. But honestly, I left the day with my brain absolutely buzzing and convicted to take myself seriously as a writer. Those are feelings I haven't really felt for a very long time, and I just felt so motivated and EXCITED about writing and creating. Bri, your teaching style is so earnest and generous and funny in a way that made me feel like I could learn anything with you. I think the biggest highlight for me was just that I felt I had taken a big chance on myself and my writing practice in booking the workshop and you met each and every one of us as an equal with something worthwhile to share. It's so clear how much work you put in your teaching (and your career!!), and for you to share your personal experiences with us within that space was really special. It sounds corny, but I just felt so inspired. I just want to say thank you so much, Bri and Alice. I keep telling people who ask how the workshop went that it was the best thing I could've done for myself, and I genuinely mean that. It's been a real circuit breaker for me, and I finally feel like I have the confidence to take my work seriously and not just let excuses get in the way.” - Jess

“Thanks again Bri, I learned so much and I’ve been buzzing ever since. Everyone was so kind and it was special to be in a room with people who love words and writing!” - Freya

“You are so highly skilled and knowledgeable, while also being empathetic, authentic and relatable for writers at all stages of their careers.” - Megan

“I felt reinvigorated to commit to my craft and practice after spending a whole day with people who are also intellectual, bookish, and curious!” - Brittney

“Without a doubt, this was one of the most energising learning experiences I have ever attended. It had immediate relevance to my new career venture, with genuinely practical tools +insights that will enhance my reading, editing and writing. The early days of navigating a new industry can be lonely and frustrating, so it was equally valuable to learn alongside such intelligent, likeminded women on different paths.” - Samantha

“Bri's teaching style—so generous and so practical—will give you momentum and clarity to push past cliché excuses about how you need more time or inspiration to write. My overall sensation yesterday was buoyancy. I felt uplifted by the people (Bri, Alice, Bridie, and everyone at the table), the content, and the vibe.” - Kerryn

“I know how much preparation and work would go into teaching these days and making it feel so seamless, so just a massive thank you for offering this again. But it's also the emotional space that is held to make it feel so inclusive and open that you create. Thank you for always being so generous with your knowledge and just removing all the wank and keeping it so real!” - Sian

“Honestly Bri, the whole weekend was a highlight of my creative life. But in the interest of answering the question, it was so good because you genuinely managed to cater to writers of all stages without making anyone feel out of their depth or unqualified. There’s only one Bri Lee, and the heart and generosity that your pour into these workshops is so clear – you really care about our growth and success as writers. I would 100% come to another workshop. What you nailed was that you could be at any stage of your writing career and still get so much out of each session.” - Lina

“I feel super motivated! And inspired to just write - I literally woke up the next morning and started committing pen to paper about something that had been mulling around in my head. I also felt equipped with tools to be a better reader.” - Jananie



What’s included?

  • Your order of a barista coffee on arrival, morning tea, our lunch together, and afternoon tea with another proper coffee. You will not be hungry. (If you have any dietary requirements, please communicate this at the time of booking, or email our Workshop Manager, Alice as soon as possible.) 

  • One knock-off cocktail or mocktail at 5pm to sip as we chat with our guest author. Very nice! 

  • On the day you will receive copies of any reference materials I refer to in the workshops.

  • Each individual’s attendance fee includes a $50 donation to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation made on your behalf.

  • The fee from paying attendees will subsidise one ‘scholarship’ position on each day for a person with great enthusiasm who cannot afford a place.

What’s not included?

  • The book you need to read to take part in the ‘Peaks, Troughs, and Passages’ exercise.

  • Getting yourself there and back, and accommodation if you’re going to stay at Ace Hotel.

  • Please bring your own laptop or note-taking materials.



Are you someone (or do you know someone) with high enthusiasm but low funds? The fees from paying attendees subsidise two scholarship positions per weekend. The application is very simple. Applications are now open and close on 11 September 2024. Apply here. Successful applicants will be notified on or before 22 September 2024. The identity of the scholarship recipient will not be made public on the workshop day. They will receive everything listed as ‘included’, but they will need to organise their own transport to and from Ace Hotel. If you have any questions about how this works, or whether you’re ‘eligible’, just email Alice.



I believe that everyone, regardless of their abilities, should have equal access to educational opportunities and a positive learning experience, and invite you to reach out if you have accessibility needs we can cater for.  Ace Hotel is fully wheelchair accessible and there are accessible restrooms right near our classroom. We work closely with the team at Ace to ensure guests are aware in advance of what to expect with accessibility features such as ramps, elevators, and accessible seating.  

A guest who uses a wheelchair joined us in July and said:  “In the room I was very comfortable because Alice asked good questions and listened to me as we worked out the best position for me at the table. I was able to explain I cannot rotate my neck to the right so sitting right instead of left made a huge difference to me. I am grateful and congratulate you and Alice for having a ‘make it happen’ approach to accessibility at the workshop. It removed stress and encouraged me to attend.”


The overwhelming feedback from all three previous weekends we’ve run was that ‘everything’ about Ace Hotel was wonderful. The food is delicious, the accessibility is properly done, the rooms are beautiful, and the vibe is great. If you’ve been to one of my trips or workshops before you’ll know that people make lifelong friends and connections because they’re full of lovely legends who like learning! If you’ve got questions about the accommodation side of things please be in touch with Ace Hotel directly.



I understand that some organisations and businesses provide their employees with professional development allowances as part of continued learning efforts.

Both workshops are a great way to improve your general writing—whether it be emails on the day-to-day or ensuing your writing is clear and articulate for conveying ideas, instructions, and information accurately and persuasively. Many roles can additionally benefit from engaging with the world creatively and considering this mindset is another way you are able to bring value to your workplace by contextualising how your work fits within wider discourse.

If there’s any way we can help you make a case for your employer to support you to attend, please don’t hesitate to email Alice.



What stage of my writing should I be at?

You definitely don’t need to be a ‘full-time’ writer, or a ‘real’ writer, or any of the other useless categories we create in our minds to feed the imposter syndrome. These workshops are for all writers who want to improve their reading, thinking, drafting, and editing skills. 

What preparation do I need to do?

There will be one mandatory, assigned book to read. I will be send out a short video on how to do my ‘peaks, troughs, and passages’ approach to better reading when you book in. Come ready to share and discuss in Workshop #1.

How many people are coming?

We cap attendance at 20 people (plus the scholarship recipients). This allows for discretion and honesty in discussions, and guarantees a higher quality of conversation and engagement. If you’ve been to one of my workshops before, you’ll know how critical small group size is to the quality of the experience. 

Will it be recorded?

No! See above! It’s special!

Cancellation and payment policies?

All workshop registrations paid either in part or in full at the time of booking are strictly non-refundable. This means that once you have paid for a workshop, you will not be eligible for any refunds, regardless of the reason for cancellation.

If you are unable to attend a workshop you have booked for any reason, please notify us as soon as possible by emailing Alice. If the workshop you have booked has a waiting list and your place can be taken be someone on this list a refund can made, minus a small administration cost.

Workshop registrations are also transferable to another name if someone else you may know can attend in your place. 

Workshop registrations are not transferable to a different workshop date.

By registering for the workshops and making either a deposit or the full payment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Cancellation Policy.

we are trialling a new Deposit process

In response to your requests, for the first time for these November workshops we are offering a deposit-then-balance option. The $500 deposit will secure your place and is strictly non-refundable. Within two business days of making your deposit, the email address you used at checkout will recieve a PayPal invoice for the remainder of the attendance price. The invoice for the remaining amount is strictly due within 30 days. If you do not make full payment by that date, your deposit will be forfeit and an opportunity to take your place will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.

Any other questions?

Our workshop manager Alice can help. Email her at